Fran Sullivan North Andover

Fran Sullivan North Andover’s educational journey began at Boston College, where he earned a BS degree. His pursuit of knowledge continued at Northeastern University, culminating in an MBA. Proximity to these esteemed institutions enriched his life immeasurably. His enthusiasm for education led him to share his insights as an adjunct professor at a local business school.

His impressive career includes key roles at industry powerhouses. At Hasbro, he helmed brand management for iconic brands such as family games, Play-Doh, and Transformers, initiating a period of robust growth. His tenure at Wayfair saw him rise to senior merchandising expert, with a notable focus on the kitchen and dining vertical. At MilleporeSigma, he transforms digital categories, leveraging his deep knowledge of e-commerce, digital marketing, and supply chain complexities.

Beyond corporate settings, his heart lies in sports, particularly golf. His connection with golf began in high school, where he won the prestigious New England championship. For him, golf is more than a sport; it is a life lesson, emphasizing tenacity, resilience, and continual self-improvement. His athletic interests also extend to running, as evidenced by his commendable participation in the Boston Marathon in 2001 and 2003. He, a North Andover native, epitomizes the harmony between dedication and leisure, attributing much of this balance to his idyllic surroundings that offer the best of both worlds.

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